What happens if the body gets too little iron?

What happens if the body gets too little iron?

Iron is an essential mineral that the body needs to function optimally. Iron is particularly important for the formation of hemoglobin, which is a component of the red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. If the body gets too little iron, it can lead to various...
8 symptoms of low iron levels

8 symptoms of low iron levels

Low iron levels can occur to varying degrees, and everyone can experience low iron levels for different reasons. Women can experience iron loss in connection with menstruation or pregnancy and childbirth, but you can also experience iron loss in connection with physical activity and...
Why is iron important for the body?

Why is iron important for the body?

Why is iron important for the body? Iron is an important mineral in our body and has several functions that are crucial to our health. One of the most important functions of iron is to contribute to the production of hemoglobin, which is a protein found in red blood cells and...
4 symptoms of low iron levels

4 symptoms of low iron levels

Many women of childbearing age need an iron supplement due to menstruation. More than one in three women have little or no iron stores in their bodies, and many may therefore need to take extra iron to maintain their iron levels. What do...


 As a vegetarian or vegan, you should pay extra attention to ensuring that you get enough iron in your diet. Some vegetables contain iron, but iron from fruit and vegetables is not absorbed as well in the body as iron from meat. Therefore, many vegetarians have...

Physical activity can affect your iron levels

People who exercise a lot should be particularly careful to avoid iron deficiency, as it can inhibit the training effect and affect physical performance. Iron contributes to increased muscle tissue Iron contributes significantly to the formation of muscle tissue (myoglobin). Muscle tissue binds oxygen as a...