
 As a vegetarian or vegan, you should pay extra attention to ensuring that you get enough iron in your diet. Some vegetables contain iron, but iron from fruit and vegetables is not absorbed as well in the body as iron from meat. Therefore, many vegetarians have...

Physical activity can affect your iron levels

People who exercise a lot should be particularly careful to avoid iron deficiency, as it can inhibit the training effect and affect physical performance. Iron contributes to increased muscle tissue Iron contributes significantly to the formation of muscle tissue (myoglobin). Muscle tissue binds oxygen as a...
Pregnancy and the need for extra iron supplements

Pregnancy and the need for extra iron supplements

Iron requirements increase during pregnancy, and it is recommended that all pregnant women have their ferritin level (iron status) measured at their first antenatal check-up to determine whether supplementation is necessary. Iron supplements for pregnant women An article in NHI states that pregnancy and childbirth...

aminoIron - provides high iron absorption with fewer ailments

aminoIron 25 mg is an iron supplement suitable for anyone with iron deficiency. Ferrochel® bisglycinate chelate is well documented in many clinical studies. Effective absorption of iron Gentle on the stomach Vegan and suitable for everyone Buy aminoJern here Buy aminoJern here You can buy aminoJern...

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